Imagine If You Could Streamline & Transform Your Business So You Can Get Back To Doing What You Love?

I completely flipped my business on its head in 6 months, and this is the exact framework I used to do it.

I was able to transform my processes and get back to doing what I love most; working on my business as well as travelling. No more feeling overwhelmed by the backlog of necessary admin tasks, onboarding clients and emails that seem to pile up overnight. Honestly, who decided we needed to produce so much content on top of client work!? This mastermind is my 5-step Scale Up framework that took me from overworked to unlocking freedom and LOVING my business

Hi I'm Beth

Maybe youre feeling like...

When a client says 'YES' you feel excited initially, but then it takes you a hot minute to sort all of the admin and onboarding.... which exhausts you and costs you time and money.

Believe me, I've been there too!

You've maybe launched a digital product, hoping It'll provide you that freedom in business but it hasn't perfomed as you hoped and now you're feeling bummed and your confidence rocked.

You know deep down you're good at what you do, but you're fed up of wasting so much time comparing yourself to other experts in the industry and thinking 'can that ever be me?!'

Even though you know you *should* have boundaries, you're always finding yourself doing work at the 11th hour, being always available for amendments and being on hand 24/7 for your clients.

What have you done to change that?

Tried hiring a team

But you didn’t have the right systems or team members so now you’re not sure what to do

Tried to invest in new systems

But you still have to onboard all your clients manually and it’s now wasting you time and money

Tried to copy the experts strategy

But to no suprise you didn’t get the same results they claimed to have and now you’re left feeling super confused

sign me up

Are you ready to build the business you always dreamed?

I'm ready

“It’s hard to even put it into words! I got everything and more from this coaching with Beth. Before working with her I was doing well, but I was completely winging it! She helped me work on my mindset, my systems, my packages and taught me how to make sales. Not only this but she was there for me whenever I needed her advice for the whole time”

Student Reviews


if you could work less, earn more & never feel burnt out again

Imagine the freedom  you could have to go on holiday and not have to worry about your clients accounts.


Imagine building a 6 figure business and have an automated system so you can unlock time freedom and not feel worried.

Imagine earning 10K a month and have a team running things for you so you can enjoy your income and treat yourself and family 

Imagine feeling confident enough to launch a high ticket product and know it will sell out.

I've been where you are right now

When I began my journey into 10K months, I was lost and unsure of how to proceed. Hitting 3K-5K was incredible but I still felt like the business wasn’t what I wanted it to be. I was still inundated with client messages, I was stuck to my computer 24/7 and sorry what was a holiday? It was a discouraging experience, and I began to doubt my abilities.

I got stuck in a constant cycle of wanting to do more but having zero time to do anything other than client work. My calendar was full of client meets, client content and I physically couldn’t fit any time in for my business

That’s when I decided enough was enough. I invested in a coach who was where I wanted to be because I knew I was capable of so much more – that’s when my life changed.

I learned how to scale my business by getting team members, launching high ticket products and increasing my SMM packages to a price I never thought I could charge. Since then I have implemented the same 5-step ScaleUp Framework time and time again and now I own a six-figure business.

That’s why I created ScaleUp Social. With the comprehensive support and wealth of knowledge, I’m now able to offer the confidence you need to succeed beyond your current situation.

No longer will you feel like you’re fumbling in the dark, trying to guess what might work. Instead, you will have a clear roadmap to follow, filled with my proven 5-step ScaleUp framework

And the best part? You will learn how to craft a working content strategy that resonate with HIGH ticket potential clients, how to launch products that will give you constant Stripe notifications and how to position yourself as an expert in the field – not even mentioning, teams,
systems and community growth!

Hi I'm Beth

Now I'm going to teach you how to transform


With a no fluff, no bs approach, we’ll be taking all of the guesswork out of achieving £10K months in your business so you can *actually* make your dreams a reality and get the answers you need to help you breakthrough the income ceiling.

Get ready to learn how to...

Business foundations

Understand who you are talking to so you can use your marketing & sales to attract high ticket SMM clients with ease & drive into selling passive offers.

IG Growth / Community

Build an engaged community that trusts you so that when you launch a new product you have a super hot audience ready to buy from you so you can consistently fill ALL of your offers

Systems / Team / Hiring

Have solid systems & team so you can step away from your business and your business can run without you being there (so you can book bougie retreats, clock off at 5pm and have regular spa days)

Product suite

Build out a product suite that serves you and can serve your clients at any point in their journey, make you money whilst you enjoy luxury experiences and get you to 10k months without burning out.

sales & launch strategy

learn the sales strategy that will get your packages AND passive offers sold out every month, and launches that will bring you cash injections to your business so you can keep scaling.

count me in!

Never doubt yourself again

This is my 6 month mastermind designed to help you grown your business and embody your CEO

So what's actually included?

Weekly group coaching calls

These calls will be to really elevate your thinking, knowledge and mindset. Oh and the bonus is, it's not just me you have access too! Each week you will supported by one of your co-coaches. We all make the ULTIMATE combination to scaling to 10K months.

Jess Leaming
Your Mindset Coach

Beth Moody
Your social media coach

Your Astrology Coach

Monthly 1:1 Calls

I want this mastermind to help YOU so as well as the group element, you will also have a 1:1 call with you co-coaches Beth and Jess) to make sure you're getting the support you need


Yep you read that right- you get a WHOLE retreate included. I have hosted and been on retreats and understand the value they truly hold so of course I wanted to offer it to my amazing mastermind students.

Things to know about the retreat

You need a passport

It wil be 3/4 days

Accomodation, activities, breakfast & coaching will be included

Module Four 30+ module courses

One thing I understand is people have different learning techniques. This is why I've also produced a brand new ScaleUp Social course. This allows you to learn in your own time, find modules that elevate your situation adn ALSO allows you to request a social media audit, content audit and modules.

In person graduation

What better way to celebrate your 6 months of hard work than in-person. You will be welcomed to your offical graduation to celebrate your achievements- multiple surprises to be expected.

Also included

My whole product suite- membership. and course

1:1 support through slack: we will celebrate win, discuss struggles and support you

90 minute 1:1 strategy call at the start of the program

Are you ready to unlock the real CEO?

lets transform your business

This mastermind is going to transform not just your knowledge but also your mindset confidence and connections as a social media manager

I'm ready!

Frequently Asked Questions

looking for help?

What if I cant make the retreat?

I am making sure everyone can attend it through date selections and communication once we start.

Will I definitely hit 10K months

I'll be teaching you the exact framework that I practiced everyday to get consistent 10K months- if you implement everything taught and turn up to all sessions, there are no reasons why not

Why choose this mastermind

As a social media manager it can be so difficult to choose what to invest in right? Trust me I've made investments that I've immediately regretted BUT this is why you should invest in this mastermind. I have included EVERYTHING

I care about YOU- you're not just another number to me

There are only 10 spaces because I want my time to be spent closely with you 

I will become your BEST FRIEND- anything you need, I am here!

Student A secured 3 high ticket clients worth £8,500 within 2 weeks of  working together

This 1:1 coaching was just what I needed and what you've taught me has given me skills for life! I'd highly recommend you to anyone wishing to scale their business as your apporach is personalised with a no-fluff attiitude

"You gave me the direction and strategies I needed to piviot my business towards high ticket clients, and I got just that!"

"This coaching was honestly life changing! It would've taken me years to learn the things that I learnt with Beth in one month. She is amazing and deserves ALL of the praise she gets (seriously!) I would 1000% recommend this to ANY social media manager who wants to see real change in their business."

Kind words from past clients

Social Media Manager

more client reviews

I joined SMM pro, when I was on the cusp of leaving my horrible job,I had already established a relatively strong business but what drew me to the SMM prod course was the group support, along with Beth's guidance and mentoring. Since joining, I have scaled my business to bring in more income than my full time job did and I QUIT! I haven't even finished all the material in the course because I have managed to scale in this time (but it is on my Q1 to do) I really loved being part of the course, community and I looked forward to out calls. Hoping to use the knowledge that I have learnt to scale to 5k+ months bu the end of the year! I really cannot than Beth for helping me find the confidence I needed and being a great support during the course and this time of growth for me

Social Media Manager

Beth I just wanted to say THANK YOU!!! without SMM Pro I wouldn't be where i am today!

It honestly gave me the confidence to up my prices and charge what I'm worth!! I love how i can keep going back if i need to, just to refresh my memory! I would recommend this to EVERYONE who needs help or a really big push in the right direction to scale their business!

Thank you for being you

"This 1:1 coaching was just what I needed and what you've taught me has given me the skills for life! I'd highly recommend you to anyone wishing to scale their business as. your approach is personalised with a non-fluff attitude."

Enrol now and discover your inner cEO

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Still want more information? Get in touch at the links below and I'll answer any question you have.

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